The US Army Corps of Engineers defines an In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Program:
An in-lieu fee (ILF) program involves the restoration, establishment, enhancement and/or preservation of aquatic resources through funds typically paid to state governments, local governments, or non-profit natural resources management organizations. As with banks, credits are sold to permittees by the ILF program sponsor. The in-lieu fee sponsor is then responsible for implementing the mitigation, monitoring its performance and managing the site long-term.
ILF Advance Credits vs Release (Earned) Credits
Graph showing Advance Credits vs Released (earned) Credits for U.S. In-Lieu Fee Programs between 2015-2024 from US Army Corps RIBITS Data.
In review of RIBITS data for the years 2015 through 2024 the following totals have emerged:
* All data list is from US Army Corps of Engineers RIBITS (Regulatory In-lieu Fee and Bank Information Tracking System) Credit Tracking Primary Report (2015-2024). Link to Data: